As a part of the BASTARDS Hells Angels chapter, we expect our members to act accordingly. That means no killing other members period. That goes for not only the Bastards chapter, but for every other HAMC whether listed as Affiliated or not.
There are few rules in our crew, and most should never need enforcing in the first place. We are a motorcycle club, we ride motorcycles. Just remember, when a player see's you he also see's how we are as a club, you represent us as a whole. You need to be flying your colors. If you ever wish to move up out of muscle you'll need to be highly active. Act the part. We ride together, we die together!

#1.) Be Active!
The most active members will be rewarded for their loyalty to the crew. The more initiative and dedication you show, the higher in the club you will get.
We understand games cannot be played 24/7. Most of us have jobs / families / school ect. You will not be kicked for being offline for 5 minutes, but long periods of inactivity may result in a meeting to discuss your future.
To learn more click here

#2.) Link Social!
You must have your R* Social Club Account linked & set to visible, no exceptions. Without this you could be affiliated to a rival club.
In addition to this you would not be able to share your crew pics, and other members would not be able to find you on XBL. To find out how to link your account, click on the social club logo.

#3.) No Crew Killing
Crew killing is only acceptable if both players have agreed to do battle, or engage in a good ol' fashioned fist to cuffs. Each circumstance of crew killing will be voted on, and dealt with swiftly by officers.
As you may be riding with brothers from other chapters, adding brothers to your friends list as you go is a good way to keep from crew kills. Accidents do happen, but blatant disregard will result in a ban from the club, take your shots carefully when riding with affiliates, know who you are firing upon.

#4.) Must be 16 or older
We only accept mature players over the age of 16. This has been voted upon by our crew and this is who the crew wishes to play with.

#5.) Prospecting Law
To assure quality over quantity we require players that are new to HAMC crews to prospect for a minimum of 1 week. Here you will ride with the crew and get to know us as we get to know you. After this period of time the club will vote upon your acceptance or denial into the crew. This is how we weed out the undesirable crew killers and others who would seek to sabotage or interrupt gameplay. You put in the work, and you will be rewarded with membership.

#5.) Do not engage MC's
(unless fired upon first)
Always check your lobbies for other affiliates as well as non HAMC clubs, DO NOT fire upon any MC at random, always allow them to fire the first shot. If by chance you enter a lobby with only 1 other member of an MC, try sending a message that you will not fire upon them unless they fire upon you.
We will be actively focusing on seeking out and destroying our rivals. Obviously if you are in a pinch, pinned down and outnumbered, call for assistance or post on Social what is happening in real time, so affiliates or those not on your friends list can come to help.