1. Your Rockstar Social Club profile must be open and visible (wall, friends list, & linked to your xbox profile)
2. Prospect chapter must be set to active, and remain active at all times.
3. Friend ALL officers and full patch members on Social Club and on Xbox.
4. Follow the orders given to you and follow along, your patch in is not gauranteed but will be voted upon based on your initiative.
5. Never kill an officer or full patched member unless its been agreed upon. Show respect at all times.
6. Work with the Members both in prospect and in the Main Chapter to learn the essentials (such as training, reading lobby crewtags, ect.)
7. As a prospect you must ask for permission to speak when at church meetings.
8. As a prospect your position while riding in formation is in the back at all times.
9. Prospects are required to wear the white leather jacket.
10. You must own at least 2 motorcycles and always be seen riding them when in a lobby with other angels.
11. Never use passive mode, tanks, jets, or buzzards.
12. When you meet with Officers and Patched Members alike, show respect & Salute or BroLove action them.
13. If invited to a game or meeting you are expected to respond immediatley.
14. If you are loyal, comply with these requirements, and do not cause friction in the club, your on your way to earning your cut.
15. Failure in complying with these rules will get you kicked from prospect resulting in a very low chance of ever having a second chance.