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Angels of Death MC

Known presidents - bigwill905 & zotzi

Crewtag - ADMC

Modus Operandi - All around shittalkers & dbags who run and hide on rooftops & apartments. They'd rather use tanks to fight, than fight like men.They like to call Angels "wannabe's". Be on the lookout.

Burning Suns MC

President- pkellz1569

Crewtag- BURN

Modus Operandi- One of the biggest shittalkers of the club is shown here on the right. STEEL DRA6ON Be on the lookout and know they will do anything and everything they can to get illegitimate cheap patch pics because they lack skill and integrity Kill on Sight


Devils Prophets MC

President- Hawkie211

Crewtag- DPMC

Modus Operandi- Known for exploiting rp glitches, although they do fight fair (no tanks or miniguns) Shoot on sight, show no mercy.


The Vagos MC

President- seyit23

Crewtag- TVMC

Modus Operandi- Don't like to stand and fight, you gotta chase these guys from lobby to lobby, most of them drive cars not bikes. Like to hide on rooftops and apts. Kill on Sight.


Bandidos SA MC

President- stepus77

Crewtag- SYLB

Modus Operandi- Like hidin and hoppin lobbies, Larsludwig is the sneakiest of the taco's usin grenades instead of rifles to try and stay alive. Squash all taco's on sight.


x LS Mercs x

President- BaBYBriAn860

Crewtag- MERC

Modus Operandi- These guys will use anything and everything from tanks, jets, rockets, ect  MrBoombastic loves his sniper rifle as they will stay well away from actual combat and use cheap tricks over brawn and raw skill. Call for backup immediately when finding a merc, they will certainly have theirs.


President- redauto xbl gt PrezRedautoMFFM

Crewtag- MFFM

Modus Operandi- You'll be able to find these punks in free aim lobbies, but they won't be shooting, they will be off radar and headed your way in a car. First they will jump you by trying to run you over, then their backup is tanks show no mercy Kill on Sight!

Bandildos MC XBL

President- Pappy3082

Crewtag- SYLB

Modus Operandi- Be on the lookout for the xbl gamertag o C O ID Y o as he is a traitor to the hells angels and a disgrace to all MC's everywhere. Watch out for sneaky tactics, they will pull everything and anything out to kill you Shoot these bitches on sight! 

o C O ID Y o

Outlaws SA MC

President- Stackl3undles

Crewtag- OFFO

Modus Operandi- Be on the lookout for these idiots who like usin rpg's cars and miniguns to jump people even when they outnumber them 3 to 1. They are a disgrace to the MC's world. Our 1st order of business is these guys as we will be actively hunting them (all 17 of them lol) check out court forum for further details Shoot on sight! 

Thumbs Up

dl CobraFang lb

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