Our club pays homage to a group which was believed to be an integral piece of the formation of the original Hells Angels Motorcycle Club. The Pissed Off Bastards Of Bloomington or the POBOB's were one of the earliest motorcycle & car clubs that in 1947 participated with other groups in The Hollister Incident, (a highly publicized riot) which later became immortalized in the film The Wild One. Six months later Otto Friedli and some disgruntled POBOB members split to form 1 of the first Hells Angels chapters on March 17th, 1948. POBOB founder Otto was too young to have served in the war, so the side story of the original group forming from veterans of war from the Hells Angels bomber squad is also in conjunction with this history. The Angels themselves deny any connection to misfit veterans being connected to the club. This is the reason why we use BASTARDS as our bottom rocker instead of a location, as we intend to make our prescence felt in all of Los Santos & surrounding countryside. This club was formed from a desire to unite all HAMC brothers together with the goal of being able to ride with many different chapters at once and not just with 1 solo crew at a time. When you see a group of Angels on the highway they are not all from the same place,& if you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us. We'd like to see all HAMC's affiliated and able to ride with one another at the will of the rider, not the president of just 1 crew. Imagine 20 to 25 full chapters (or more) of 1000 members each, all coming after anyone who wishes war upon the angels. That's the kind of goal we are aiming for, to absolutely obliterate and crush any and all opposition. On our own we are strong, united we are unstoppable.We ride together, we die together.
AFFA Angels Forever,Forever Angels